"Be you.
It's the most courageous thing you can do!"
I've worked with some pretty inspiring and powerful women over the years.
You know the type. Fierce, has it all together and going place? Well at least to the public she is.
But in her private life she is also unraveling and not clear about her next move.
Why do they end up at my door? Because birds of a feather flock together.
The only difference between our journeys is, through a series of life events, God divinely led me back to my core.
The result; the launching of my Core Edge Philosophy and a personal compass for leading and living a consistent life of authenticity and divine authority. Now He's given me a platform to teach and inspire others to do the same.
I am an author, entrepreneur, speaker, mother, and wife. I am on a serious mission to amplify the gospel’s relevance, empower individuals to live and lead authentically and to equip leaders to develop purpose-led and spirit-filled lives. I am also a master strategist and affectionately known as The Purpose Coach for my work helping women across the world to gain in-depth insight into who they are so they can live their lives with clarity, consistency, and confidence.
Before stepping into purpose and launching my own coaching firm in 2017, I worked in the not-for-profit sector for over 20 years with organizations serving communities experiencing marginalization. In 2015 I penned my first book, “Speak Your Way to Purpose: A Collection of Thoughts and Inspirational Life Lessons to Move You Forward” where I deliver daily bite-size reflections for those wrestling with accepting God’s plan for their life. My sophomore book "Courage and Confidence" is releasing April 2024. I am currently a regular contributor on the YouVersion Bible App with over 130,000 subscribers.
I am a certified life skills and marriage coach and level three Personality Dimensions trainer holding a bachelor’s degree in Christian ministry with post certifications in adult learning and cognitive behavioral therapy. I am also the founder and host of the Preach Sis Summit, a global movement and annual activation event to help Christian women identify and amplify their voice.
My family is my first ministry. Together with my husband Evon and our five children she live a full and purpose-filled life in Brampton, Ontario Canada.