discover your potential through personality dimensions®
participate in a 90 min online webinar​
identify your personality strengths &
opportunities for development
Do you know what your top strengths are? Are you aware of your areas of vulnerability and how to build on them? Would you love to know more about temperament theory and how to use it to build stronger relationships, teams, ministry, or even a business? Could you benefit for learning how your unique way of seeing the world can help you WIN in your relationships, your work... your LIFE?
Here's a tool to get you there!

A big part of navigating through life is developing a strong sense of self awareness and deep reflective practice. An even greater part of the self discovery journey is learning about the temperaments of others and how to mitigate those difference.
Human beings strive for self-esteem but seek it in different ways because of values, wants, aims, needs, motives, desires and preferences. These predispositions drive all actions and behavior. - David Keirsey
Personality Dimensions® is a great tool for:
Understanding our own strengths and weaknesses
Recognizing and understanding the strengths and preferences of others
Improving communications and interpersonal relationships
Realizing that differences are “gifts” not faults
You'll also learn more about your CORE:
and Behaviours
cost: $20 CND / pp
online PD assessment
personalized assessment report
bonus: introversion/extroversion quiz
See you online!

To learn more about booking an in person team builder for your family, work team, or church group click HERE now
what is personality dimensions®?

Personality Dimensions® is a highly interactive assessment tool geared to helping you identify you skills, affirm what’s already there, and understand why getting along other personality types can be so hard.
Personality Dimensions® uses four colours as a memory aide for the creation of a common language used to understand and appreciate differences amongst each other. With the guidance of ME, your Level II qualified facilitator the PD assessment extends into a high energy and interactive workshop focusing on a variety of applications including career counselling, personal growth, leadership, team building, conflict resolution and countless others.
FUN! A human relations tool based on leading-edge research into human motivation and behaviour. It helps to explain what motivates behaviour in people with different personalities or temperaments. Presented in an informative, interactive, self-discovery format, this new, interactive human relations and communications model/process enhances the basic values of
self-esteem, dignity and self-worth. An understanding of temperament theory is invaluable in a wide range of applications.